A team with many years of experience of life on the island is responsible for this website. We all share a desire to bring the many hidden attractions of Mallorca to the attention of those planning a visit and potential residents.
We are totally impartial and operate this site on a not-for-profit basis. Our only revenue comes from royalties on the Kindle edition of Enjoying Mallorca. Great care is taken to ensure that no restaurant or tourist attraction is able to influence its content.
Nothing is included until it has been assessed by at least two members of the editorial team and many of the restaurants listed are used frequently by clubs and associations we support. No restaurant is included unless we have experienced a warm welcome, good food and a pleasant environment. However, in some cases our last visit may have been some time ago and feedback from users of this site is greatly appreciated as a means of keeping it updated.
Selection of content
No attempt has been made to comprehensively cover the many hundreds of restaurants and attractions on the island, but we are always on the lookout for unusual and memorable places to visit that do not feature in many Guides.
Enjoying Mallorca by Pamela Legge
Visitors to this site may be interested in a book we published some years ago which is now only available on Kindle. Written by a long-term resident in Mallorca it is an unusual combination of an autobiography and a guide for those planning to visit or take up residence on the island. Its success prompted a revised version and ultimately the launch of this website.

Readers of the Kindle version will find much to interest them including coverage of all of the towns and villages on Mallorca, its customs, fiestas, food and wine.
Followers of the author and poet Robert Graves will be interested in Pamela Legge’s experiences when working with him to get one of his books ready for press, while avoiding the attentions of his friend Will Price.
Potential residents will catch a glimpse of what it is like to leave the UK for life on the island and those wishing to know the history of Mallorca will value the 21 page appendix which starts at 5000 BC and ends with Spain adopting the Euro in 2002.
Reviews of the book
When it was originally published as a 288 page hardback book, Enjoying Mallorca received enthusiastic reviews by The Times, The Mallorca Daily Bulletin, Harper and Queen, The Mail on Sunday and The Expatriate plus interviews with the Director of Tourism for Mallorca, BBC2, London News Radio and Radio Mercury.
The Kindle Edition
The revised version on Kindle has received 4.5 stars from independent reviewers.
Orders for the Kindle edition should be placed via Amazon. It is available free to their Unlimited Membership clients or for just under £4 for others. The link to its page at Amazon UK where you can see some reviews and read the initial chapters is:- https://tinyurl.com/Get-book
History of Mallorca
A brief history of the island, based on the appendix to Enjoying Mallorca, is now part of this site. Click here for free access.